Are we being lied to?

Fraudulent use of PCR Test
Evidence of the inappropriate and fraudulent use of RT-PCR Test in reporting “Cases”.
Government documentation proves that the RT-PCR Test cannot tell if anyone is carrying a live infectious virus!

Deaths and Injuries following COVID-19 Jab!
USA VAERS reports system showing the number of reported injuries and deaths following the COVID-19 injection.

More Vaccine Injury Reports
Compilation of was was a rapidly growing accounts of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths reported by family members in a FaceBook Group before the Group was censored and removed by Facebook.

Are we being told the truth?
Despite a growing body of evidence of proven effective treatments such as Ivermectin for the effects of what is being called COVID-19, this life saving information is being suppressed, censored and denied by governments around the world all following the same agenda. Why? Could it be because if proven treatments are shown to be available then under current legislation it would not be possible to introduce the experimental COVID-19 injections (being referred to as vaccines) the Pharmaceutical companies have been so keen to launch onto the world’s population?